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Software Projects

Aggregating Heterogenous Computing Resources

During my CERN openlab summer internship, I worked on a project that aimed to streamline system administration by developing a web portal for centralized control and data visualization across a diverse range of computing resources, including cloud-based quantum computing, AI infrastructure, on-site servers, and personal devices.

Published Paper Link

Recorded Lecture Link

watches advertisement draft 2.0 (3).png

Smartwatch Remote Relay Controller

A Wear OS Android Smartwatch app that allows users to connect with a car's CAN bus to open and close the trunk, doors and frunk of the car. The app also features a voice activation feature using a google speech to text API that automatically closes or opens the door (or trunk/frunk) from its current position depending on the user's command. The app is also available in 3 languages and fully supports voice control in all 3.

GitHub Link


A Windows application designed to teach users the American Sign Language Alphabet. The GUI was built with Qt in C++ and uses OpenCV and TensorFlow for the computer vision models. The computer vision application reads the user's signs for each letter in the ASL alphabet and displays them on the screen. The Tensorflow neural network was trained using various online ASL data sets.

GitHub Link


Asteroid Belt PyGame

This is my first time using the pygame library and creating a true game in python. The short clip of Asteroid Belt Adventure is a flying scroller where the player avoids the rockets flying at them in a randomized space environment.

GitHub Link

Machine Learning For Car Data

A simple K Nearest Neighbors Machine Learning algorithm and optimization using the UCI Machine Learning Repository. See the snippets of the idea behind the K nearest neighbours machine learning and the results after optimizing the number of neighbours.

GitHub Link

Car Park
Untitled drawing.png

Twitter Bot

Twitter bot using Twitter's Developer tools and the tweepy API to send out automated information about Bitcoin and ETH using the Yahoo Finance API library (yfinance).

I decided to add some files that walk through step by step some of the features I used including how to web scrape certain websites using the BeautifulSoup library and how to receive and transmit API data. 

GitHub Link

Evolutionary Algorithm

This is a visualization based on the evolutionary algorithm as described by the Game of Life or just Life, initially developed by John Conway in 1970.

The major difference between John Conway's game and this one is that this game has a grid with defined dimensions that impacts the evolution of clusters on border cells. This version of the game was inspired by Leetcode question 289. Game of Life, and that is how I came up with the idea to make the Pygame visualization.

GitHub Link

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